Theme: In flux/ Influx. Constant change. Floods. Lilly said, "As an artist, are you entering or departing?"
Two quotes to sit with:
"We are all migrants through time."
"Memes: they're hella legible"

Dishes served:
Snow monkeys in the hot-springs of Japan edited by me, yours truly*
A clip from Charlie Chaplin's The Kid (link)
"Pigeon Man" by Jamila Woods (link)
"The End of an Era" by u m a m i (link)
"Flux" by your very own Naa Allotey and motts*
An analysis of the Mr. Krabs meme (Power-point link)*
Excerpt from Schizophrene by Bhanu Kapil
Discussing the work of Moshin Hamid

*Asterisk indicates homemade