Theme: Breathing under water
"When the Day Breaks," an animated short by Amanda Forbis & Wendy Tilby (1999) (link)
"Gloria Tells David She Was Fired" clip from David Makes Man (2019) (link)
"Food Poisoning," a poem by our very-own Alex*
"Make You Feel My Love" by Adele (2008) performed acapella by our very-own Sade*
The poems "Drowning" and "Portrait of the Beloved as a Young Lifeguard" by Deborah A. Miranda in The Zen of La Llorona (2005)
The song "Breathing Underwater" by Hiatus Kaiyote (2015) (link)
The song "Cellophane" by FKA twigs (link)
*Asterisk indicates homemade dish
Cover art: Freeze-frame from the short-film "When the Day Breaks"